Determination of Сarbohydrates in the Herb Erigeron Annuus


  • Sergey Vladimirovich Kovalev National University of Pharmacy
  • Alena Golovach
  • Vladimir Kovalev
  • Nataliia Deviatkina



carbohydrates, GL-MS, monosaccharides, aldonitrile, Erigeron annuus


The purpose of the article is to provide an assessment of phytochemical studies of the monosaccharide composition of an annual grass of the asteraceae family, common in Ukraine. The wide geographical distribution of Erigeron species from North America to Japan makes it promising to study the depth of the monosaccharide composition of Erigeron annuus. The carbohydrates were separated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after conversion into volatile aldononitrile acetate derivatives. The monomeric composition of polysaccharides was studied after their hydrolysis to form monosaccharides and polyalcohols. Quantitative analyses of free carbohydrates showed that the predominant sugars were fructose, glucose and disaccharide – sucrose.  The chromatographic study revealed a number of polyalcohols that are important for the treatment and prevention of progression of diabetes mellitus and its complications, namely, mannitol.

Author Biography

Sergey Vladimirovich Kovalev, National University of Pharmacy

Departmen of Pharmacoznosy, Kharkiv, Ukraine


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