Special Issue - Hydrogen energy: towards better materials for higher efficiency
Special Issue
Hydrogen energy: towards better materials for higher efficiency
We are pleased to announce a special issue of the French Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry, dedicated to hydrogen energy.
This field of clean energy technologies is developing very rapidly and requires constant attention from chemists to improve existing materials and processes and create new ones.
This year, for the first time, a specific session dedicated to hydrogen energy was held during the International conference in chemistry Kyiv-Toulouse 2017. It received much attention and interest from Ukrainian scientists, working in the field of hydrogen technologies. Therefore, it was decided to create a special issue of the journal.
We invite authors, working in chemistry-related research for hydrogen energy, to submit their papers on fuel cells, hydrogen production, purification, storage and related subjects.
Invited editors:
Prof. Oleksandr D. Vasylyev, Ph.D, Dr.Sci.
Lead Researcher: Ceramic Fuel Cells; Ti-in situ composites, Fracture Micromechanisms, Electron Microscopy & Related Techniques.
Frantcevych Institute for Problems of Materials Science, Laboratory for Ceramic Fuel Cells
Viacheslav Zgonnik, PhD
Administrator of Ukrainian Association for Hydrogen Energy http://uahe.net.ua/
General Manager of Natural Hydrogen Energy Ltd. http://nh2e.com/
During 2007-2008, first double-Master student in the collaboration program between the universities of Kyiv (Ukraine) and Toulouse (France).
Third editor : vacant
The deadline for submissions is 11 February
Accepted papers will be issued in the Volume 6 Issue 1 of the French Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry.